Luisa Eck

DPhil student
University of Oxford

I am a final-year DPhil student in theoretical condensed matter physics at the University of Oxford, supervised by Paul Fendley. Currently, I'm visiting the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) as a Graduate Fellow. My research focuses on categorical symmetries and dualities in quantum lattice models, with connections to topological phases, integrability and conformal field theory.

Prior to my doctoral studies, I completed my undergraduate studies in Physics at LMU Munich, followed by the Part III Master in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge. Throughout my undergraduate studies I was supported by the Maximilianeum Foundation and the Max Weber Programme. For my stay in Cambridge, I received a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


  • Generalizations of Kitaev's honeycomb model from braided fusion categories
    Luisa Eck, Paul Fendley
    We explore two-dimensional quantum lattice models constructed from braided fusion categories, which generalize Kitaev's honeycomb model. Their categorical 1-form symmetries make them promising candidates for chiral topological order.
  • From the XXZ chain to the integrable Rydberg-blockade ladder via non-invertible duality defects
    Luisa Eck, Paul Fendley
    We discuss duality mappings between four different quantum lattice models, including the spin-1/2 XXZ chain and a model describing Rydberg-blockade atoms on a square ladder, as well as the non-invertible symmetries in these models.
  • Critical lines and ordered phases in the Rydberg-blockade ladder
    Luisa Eck, Paul Fendley
    We explore the phase diagram of the Rydberg-blockade ladder away from the integrable line and find different symmetry-broken and disordered phases together with first and second order phase transitions between them.

Talks and conferences


2021 - today University of Oxford, DPhil Theoretical Physics
categorical symmetries and dualities in quantum lattice models
2020 - 2021 University of Cambridge, MaSt Part III
statistical field theory, percolation, modern statistical methods, distribution theory
Part III essay on directed percolation and absorbing-state phase transitions
2018 - 19 University of Oxford, Visiting MPhil student
Quantum field theory, conformal field theory, quantum matter
2016 - 20 LMU Munich, B.Sc. Physics
condensed matter, quantum information; Bachelor’s thesis on topological quantum memories